The Orestimba Scholarship Community Association
The Orestimba Scholarship Community Association
The TOSCA-Prien Innovative Education Fund (TOSCA-PIE) is dedicated to enriching education in the Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District. The Education Fund seeks to form a bond between community and those who are creatively carrying out the education of our children. To date, $421,817 in grant awards has been distributed to our local schools.
Mission Statement
The TOSCA-PIE award program, in partnership with the Newman-Crows Landing School District, is committed to promote education in the classroom. TOSCA-PIE requests teachers to submit proposals for classroom activities that will improve academic performance and are highly creative. Focus more on innovation and not just requests for standard technological equipment.
Who Should Apply For a Grant?
District Programs
Grant Award for 2023-2024
Utilizing Technology to Increase Science Skills
Orestimba High School 9-12 Science Department $12,738.97
For the purchase of "Vernier Probes and Sensors" to provide students the opportunity to collect, analyze, and communicate their own data with the result being a deeper understanding of science concepts. The probes and sensors utilize an interface to send data directly to their Chromebooks and the data can then be graphed and statistically analyzed for various uses such as written reports and multi-media presentations.
The Vernier Probes and Sensors will:
provide an innovative way to data collection and interpretation
allow students to carry out experiments during inquiry based activities
science concepts will be discovered firsthand
increase in the academic level of student questioning greater desire for student active participation increase in academic discourse
be a highly effective teaching tool to raise rigor and relevance in the classroom
The primary objective of this grant is to increase student understanding of science content and boost their ability to analyze data sets and graphs. Increasing the opportunities for students to perform hands-on activities will increase their engagement in the classroom.
More Information...
For additional informaton on the TOSCA-Prien Innovative Education Fund (TOSCA-PIE), please contact (209) 243-8118.